Provides links to YouTube films about supporting and parenting bereaved children, alongside written information relating to children and bereavement. They have a helpline which you can access through the website.
Winston’s Wish was the UK’s first childhood bereavement charity. They have been supporting bereaved children and young people since 1992 and continue to lead the way in providing specialist child bereavement support services across the UK. Winston’s Wish provides emotional and practical bereavement support to children, young people and those who care for them. Their expert teams offer one off and ongoing bereavement support and they also provide online resources, specialist publications and training for professionals.
Support for families bereaved by and coping with serious illness
Knowing that a parent, sibling or other family member has cancer or another serious illness and may die is devastating for children and young people. However, we know that with the right support children can find ways to live confidently with the worry and sadness and learn to cope with their grief. There are no ‘right’ answers, but below is some information and guidance on how to support children when someone is seriously ill, and how Winston’s Wish can support families both before and after the death of someone important.